About the Class
Beginning level flamenco guitar class. In this class we are working with two flamenco palos (song forms), Solea and Tangos. Solea is one of the slower palos, with a 12-beat compás and played in a phrygian key. Tangos is a fun por fiesta (party) palo in 4/4 with a medium tempo. We’ll continue to develop classic flamenco right hand techniques: pulgar (thumb), arpeggio, rest stroke picado, rasgueo, abanico, and marcajes (marking patterns).
This is a continuing class from the Winter Session. New students please get in touch to join the waitlist for the next Introduction to Flamenco Guitar series or to schedule private lessons. Nylon string guitar required.
Spring 10 weeks 4/7, 4/14, 4/21, 4/28, 5/5, 5/12, 5/19, 6/2, 6/9, 6/16 * No class 5/24
** 5/19 class meets at 6:15pm for Juan Paredes
Full session: $140 3 installments: $54
Class hourly cost:
$18/hr Drop-in
$16/hr 3 installments (10% discount)
$14/hr Full Session (20% discount)
If you elect to pay for the session in 3 installments you will receive invoices for the 2nd and 3rd payments.
Payments can be made via cash/check (Brenna McDonald) or send PayPal to brenna.mcdonald@gmail.com.
New students and students paying in person with cash/check please email us to register.
Scholarship/work trades available, please get in touch if you would like to know more about these options.
Your Instructor
Brenna McDonald

Espacio Flamenco